Tuesday 19 October 2010

the weather arrives.

We have so far enjoyed a bit of an Indian summer. A very mild run into winter but all that changed today The temperature dropped below 10 C but more important out here the wind came up.

This morning a rush to finish the wood before the weather turned horrid and I spent half hour stints outside with the Axe splitting  half hour outside then half hour defrosting in the 28C living room. Then   big D decided to get out of bed and help finish it off. That mix of oak and really knotted and twisted larch really made me  and the axe struggle.
Then it was a matter of trundling it into the house our cottage store room and the garage store room

The mackerel sky was it's own warning and without need of a weather forecast quickly we got everything under cover, not bothering with the tidy stack. I ended up putting a load of wood in a big sand bag outside the front door.

It was all none too soon  The rain arrived battering the windows and the temperature in the living room has fallen too. It's down to 25  C

The house is wonderfully warm,  I'm sitting on my bed in a warm bedroom lets keep it that way.

The house had a huge 100,000 btu boiler which never really seemed to deliver, this wood burner seems to suit the nature and fabric of the house far better.

I am a convert to wood heating, if not quite converted to wood cutting.

Though I would admit that chopping wood is good for my levels of fitness.


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