Sunday, 10 October 2010

Student life

It has to be said that the student is not the happiest creature on the planet.

True there is great delight at the state of the woodshed, but I misunderstood her this morning.

What I took to be a triumphant "I did it" was actually a form of frustrated harrumph at the nanny electronic teacher whose voice no longer has me thinking of lump hammers but has me imagining throwing the laptop under the wheels of the green goddess and driving over it - lots.

Apparently "I did it" was a response to teacher telling her that what she had done was wrong and that what she should have done is what, so the student says, she actually did anyway.  

She is settling in for and evening of computerism, she is determined to get this right if it kills her, or me....

Having had the grandchilder round all day so Serenity could sleep, though of course knowing Serenity "sleep" could be another word for going down the pub or staying in and having lots of rumpy pumpy.  But anyway a day of grand kids is the sort of thing to elevate the student to levels of happiness only usually seen if her mum comes to visit, a time when cats emigrate and I go and hide out in the garage...


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