Wednesday, 6 October 2010

just another day

Today went off like a normal day.

The student headed off to uni and I organised everything else.

By some miracle everyone ended up where they needed to be and I set off for the PMC.

Now, I am no engineer but the way the dashboard lit up like starship enterprise, the mirror showed me a road full of smoke and steam pouring out from under the bonnet made me think things might not be quite right.

The RAC were pretty good and soon I was home.

Not before I had talked a professional collegue in to the meeting in a place she had never been and I had not been for about 40 years.

But now we run back to the day.

Having got the 806 home I had to make the AX (which as you might recall broke down last weekend) work.

That done, after a fashion it was off to collect kids.

I love the AX it's a true hooligans car, you throw it into things on a tidal wave of joie de vivre and it emerges on the other side in a tidal wave of body roll hanging on to the road like a limpet.

This afternoon I was being followed by someone who has a serious Audi sports car and all was well till we got to a bendy bit and then the AX left them for dead.

But faces must be facted it's now morning and I have to shoe horn the kids into the AX to take them to meet the bus.

Really need something a bit bigger or perhaps a trailer with seats.

The student though has managed to pass part one of her ECDL, something that has surprised everyone, especially her....



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