Friday, 15 October 2010

My brane hurts

 I think I need a rest, this living with a student lark is hard work.

She has read loads of books and the moral maze is really opening up.

This morning we went to user empowerment in social work as social control. With a discussion of how social work is part of the repressive state apparatus (Althuser) acting largely on a reserve army of Labour (Braverman) whilst also considering that social work is a way of diverting the middle classes away from developing radical class consciousness (Marcuse) whilst locking them down in a form of hegemony  (Gramsci) that prevents them from seeing that the true problem is located in  economic relations of production (Marx) just a normal car type conversation. 

She is downstairs now doing a reflective journal and I am banished upstairs to the bedroom - phew. 

My BRANE hurts 

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