Thursday, 21 October 2010

A time of relief

The student went off today to her very first student conference.Of course the state of the Xantia zorst meant that she took the little AX.

At this end of time things went on apace, no chance of doing anything with the Xantia with the garage lift chock full of 806 so tomorrow I am off to another garage the one that MOT'd it 2 days before the pipe snapped.

But it was off with me an Tallie on manouveres to get some bits. A visit to the auto electrician and the winch he had stripped yesterday was declared scrap.

My this is getting to be fun as the management came home saying that the charge light is flashing in the AX - something I might need to look at tomorrow.

Tomorrow could have been a very nice day, well if it wasn't for the evils of inset and all the kids being home.

We will have no proper quality time together till well next week when we are off to Brittany, just the two of us. 

Best of all, she had feedback today on  a piece of reflective work.

Having read some undergraduate stuff I knew it was really good.

So I didn't dance round the room when she got the kind of feedback I expected.

Because through all the bias, I know she's bright.

She, however was never as sure. 

Not bright though has another level.

Camerron god bless him has a personal pot of 4 mil or so.

As part of his big society and being wealthy he is really going to open the cheque book, or is all his money stached abroad so he does not pay tax on it.

The assessment of the budget says that the hardest hit will be poorer families with children.

So they pay for the big society and DC avoids paying anything at all.

I am getting the picture.

Not sure everyone else is though.


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