Sunday 20 February 2011

Water we all on about....

The situation in the Arab world is turning all lively. We are being told about this wave of unrest all over the place, but hang on, when did you last see some detailed analysis of what it is all about?

The media has been pretty quick and accurate in describing what has been going on but the why has been thin.

Now we can reasonably postulate that food is a big bit of the problem. The Arab states are in an economic bind they need oil to be dear and but dear oil makes food, something that they are net importers of expensive  too.

A classic case of what the discredited Karl Marx described as the contradictions within an economic system causing itself to blow itself apart. I would emphasise that when i said Marx was discredited I was talking inside the prevailing economic hegemony and not reflecting my own views.

So we have a situation where food is getting costly and, so I learnt today, many of the oil speculators such as the family of one George W Bush are now buying up the rights to tap water reserves.

Water might be the next big problem, Could be good for us in Wales, there is so much of it tumbling out of the sky we could be a wealthy nation with a resource that has no limits...

The Scots would be fine too. 

Roll on 150 dollars  a barrel  for water, of course we would give it to our own for nothing.  

Don't think this will be coal all over again though, Rape of the fair country is won't be.

We will of course do a deal for bankers 50 quid a litre.....

And we will be magnanimous too, they can write it off against the tax they scrupulously avoid paying


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