Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Water we going to do about this then...

This morning started well. Slid to the school bus and  kids to school.

It was a scream - literally...

Next up taking masses of pipe outside and connecting everything together so we now have water.

Well no we "had" water.

The pipeline to the top of the mountain must be frozen somewhere and  so our pump was just pressurising inside the house.

This was a bit sub optimal; opening a tap did not so much produce water as nearly fire the taps off the sink!!!

But  anyway this was progress, both washing machine and dishwasher succesfully run before filling our reserve tanks and dismantling everything for the night having first drained the pipe of water.

I hope the winter is not going to carry on like this, standing out there in an icy blast disconnecting joints was really tedious.

That said, it was a good excuse to take the green goddess for a little trip today. Not on the roads just round the fields a couple of times to free the clutch and make sure it all works.

The next job is fitting  electronic ignition.

I seem also to have devised a new method of getting down the ice hill. Lets remind ourselves, conventional wisdom says driving on ice is pick a high gear and be as smooth as a smooth thing on steering and brakes. Which is wrong, the advice should be: DON'T!!!!!

On going down hills, the advice is stick it in a low gear and walk it down hill. at tickover - feet off everything. Applying this has produced a ski experience with zero steering effect.

Today I changed what I did. I went for neutral then using cadence braking to really keep the speed down - walking pace.  It seemed a lot better and more effective to me, having all four wheels trying to stop the car seems to work better.

I am not recommending you try it mind, just observing that my underwear was less under  threat I thought.    

But now it's not driving time. It's free evening time, the log fire is generating heat, the living room is 25 C the student is essay writing. All is well with the world. That can't last....

1 comment:

Tina said...

Thankfully water hasn't been an issue here. Living in Lincolnshire our steepest hill is the bridge at Fosdyke. Generally only noticing the incline on a pushbike.
We were at the end of a neat wind tunnel yesterday the piled the snow in front of the drive quite spectacularly. But looking at the News on TV I realise so far we got off lightly. So no hospital appointments after today till next week. Liecester could be a challenge next athursday if things don't improve.
Hope the logs keep burning to keep you warm.
Best wishes to all of you