Wednesday, 17 November 2010


Today the student headed uni wards in the 806 leaving me to chose between Mr Tick and her Xantia.

One lot off on the bus and back I came to take the other mob to college.

All was going well, of course there have been biblical innundations here over night and we rounded the bend to find a road under water. No worries, not too deep, errr wrong.

I still cannot explain how the xantia with it's air inlet just below the bonnet managed to suck up a load of water but it did.

Towing it home was frankly terrifying as Citroens loose everything when the engine stops. No power steering I could live with but being towed home with only the handbrake to slow you down is a new type of fear altogether....

Currently the bonnet is open the injectors are out and I am slowly ejecting all the water.

Naturally it has just started to rain again and yes I am working in the open. My I am so enjoying this little job and this day.

This afternoon we get to hear the carnage that is the assembly budget so no doubt I will be even more cheerfull tonight.

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