Saturday 20 November 2010

me me me

OK so maybe this is going to get to be a bit heavy and philosophical but...

Have we not all been dragged into the Cameron Clegg agenda where all we are worried about is ourselves.

It works for them as multi milionaires do anything that turns a pound regardless of the misery they leave behind types.

But what does it deliver for you and me?

Cooperation is real self interest, gaining what we want as individuals, but  collectively, makes us stronger than anyone in the world.

In the previous world everyone in Britain got their heads down in 1940 and did something tremendous in terms of stopping a political view that was a contagion.

Now we have a new contagion, except we don't, Maggie started it, those like Major who followed her failed to keep the torch burning then her arch acolyte Toby Blair came to power.

Brown tried to place a brake on things and failed. His innablility to pull the banks in was really his downfall.

The way he handled the crash will go down in history as his real epitaph he did wake up and he did the right thing at the time.

He was a good chancellor who should never have been appointed to PM.

Foolishly he ran the election on debates rather than sun reader sound bites.

Now the contagion has reared it's head again after the election of  the  liars.

I am sort of optimistic that people really are going to be out on the street challenging the lie.

If  the cut to death Police ever realised which side they were on - we could be in for a ball.

A class in itself becomes a class for itself as someone once said.


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