Saturday, 31 October 2009

So this afternoon as a reward for putting in the central heating I get to go to the pub.


So long as I take the kids with me.


And of course that means I have to drive.

I am cooling on the idea.

And it's the childrens Haloween party.

Thanks for the offer but I just remembered I need to wash my hair, both of them....

I have as bit if a thing about Halloween. We don't parody Xmas, we don't make a joke of Diwali, and Ramadan has to be respected.

Yet, one of the most important Pagan festivals is denigrated, denied and reduced to a carnival. Worse we don't do it because it is part of some long standing tradition in the UK; people in Brittany will go to their churches this weekend as part of a long standing Christian take over of the pagan festival of endings but this country will run round dressed up like idiots because the Americans have a tradition of letting children loose to terrorize towns and demand money with menaces.

Whats more we are witnessing the slow death of the 5th of November, where we remember that if the politicians annoy us enough we may chose to take things into our own hands. Then again i can see how the executive might not be keen on notions that the citizenry may, if pushed hard enough refuse to do as they are told.

I will take the children down the pub this afternoon but please don't invite me to down there for the adults "party" tonight.

I shall just place a light in the window to guide the souls of the departed ancestors.


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