Wednesday 14 October 2009

Oh dear....

SO there we are: I thought the earth was shaking.

Management duly suggested calling the power company in case there was a problem and The British Geological Survey to report an outbreak of wobbly planet.

The power company were deadly serious, in due haste a couple of engineers turned up and checked everything over looking more than a touch skeptical.

The cats were delighted, one of them left his land rover open and four of them were in there like a flash fighting over his dinner.

The Geological survey checked a few local stations and confimed the earth had not been moving.

So what was it then, the power guys had a really good look round and wondered if one of the cows a few fields down had been suffering an itchy back then used the pole for a long relaxing scratch.

This it seems can be enough to set the poles waving.

Oh yes I felt a right one....

Still today we did manage to get the MOT for the plugeot done in the nick of time and, oh yes, I remember chopped up a load of wood, just for a change.

We are down to the last ohhhh can't be much more than 7 tons.

Now we actually start on the stuff that has been lying longest so we burn the oldest stuff first. and we are starting to struggle to find places to store it all!!

No fire yet tonight, thought we might burn out last night. Had to sleep with the window open.


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