Friday 31 October 2008


I know the UK has jumped on the band wagon and slavishly copied the American trick or treat.

I really think that this American corruption of a festival that has roots in the pagan circle of the year has very little to commend it.

Old people are often terrorised by unruly children and the whole thing has turned nasty in many places.

I had thought of taking precautions, rigging up one of the fire engines with a couple of ground monitors covering the front of the house.

So the little angels could hammer on the door and pelt the house with flour and eggs.

Then I would spark up the fire engine and let fly.

See if they still thought it was funny.

Mind you the only source of bulk liquid here is the septic tank, or sewage pit to our colonial friends.

I would take a house covered in eggs and flour in good heart, I wonder if the parents would laugh as their beloved walked into the house dripping....



Tina said...

Could have been fun though!!!

You mean there's more??? said...

Might have taken a few hours down at the Police Station to sort it though.

Funny how peoples sense of humour can be selective. Whats funny for them to do is not so funny when they are on the receiving end...