Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Half term

It's funny, for a foster carer life is sort of backwards. When everyone else is gearing up for a good time we are bracing ourselves for hard work.

Christmas is a happy family time, for us it's a max work time.

Summer means nice balmy days off work, for us it's 6 weeks unrelenting grind.

Term times are our best times.

This time of year can be particularly hard since the weather means the kids are indoors and getting on each others nerves.

Today, thank goodness is not too bad.

The temperature outside is about 7c so as things go it's not so bad. Mainly because the wind has dropped. Cold is OK but the wind here is a big problem. This is a very exposed place on a hilltop.

The nature of old houses is different to modern though.

Having been warmed yesterday the house was 3 degrees colder this morning than it was last night. Wheras a modern house would warm up quickly, the degrees are crawling on here but there's the big challenge. Get it warm and it stays warm for a long time. Allow it to get cold and you have a veritable mountain to climb.

Something very nice about log stoves as well.


1 comment:

Tina said...

with you on the hard work R.
Even more great when you have a child suffering cabin fever who cannot toleratethe cold...rosie is a caged beast!
Hope you manage to survive the next few days till all back onMonday!