Tuesday 16 September 2008

Hells teeth......

I hate homework.

Well when I say homework I mean my kids homework.

My BRANE hurts.

Been helping the kids with their maths homework.

Me A level maths (failed - twice) and her, CSE maths (not good grade) have been experimenting with methods which help the children devise strategies to succeed and solve the problems.

Translates into English as help them with fractions.

Have definitely been pushing the boundaries of our ability.

Stick three shovels in the corner and ask me to take my pick....

Management has retired to bed

Or write in her blog anyway.

A cat has crapped in a bedroom - just thought you might wish to savour the moment, no one would savour the aroma..

The solicitor announced with delight he is ready to exchange contracts so we could be moving next week

We won't of course as the guy buying here is not ready to go yet, but it brings it home that we need to be organised.



Bloody hell.....


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