Wednesday, 21 May 2008

The best laid plans

We continue to stagger on here.

Management is rebuilding a bedroom. Last week a review for one of the young people and his mum was "too busy" to attend. I suppose thats an improvement on all the times she has said she is coming and then not turned up. But it was enough to push YP over the edge and his room got trashed. Think positive, boy, we got a load of free firewood.....

Our best laid plans were to venture out into Brittany next week taking our little RIB which we struggled to assemble last week

Of course our run of good luck has continued and it turns out the problem on the IVECO is another really serious fault with parts on back order for good measure so unlikely to be back on the run anytime soon.

So instead of driving us to Brittany it is sitting with it's front axle off in the garage. Think I am going to invest in a "for sale" sign for the windscreen

Trying to be positive, this means our summer trip is now paid for and I was lucky enough to be able to get space on the outgoing ferry for the summer for our boat.

I was really looking forward to a week in Brittany, still that's life, shit happens.

Our life seems to have diarrhoea at the moment

Still not all bad, I can get down to the Gwaun on the weekend and try out the new kit we had for the fire engines.

Get to drive a green goddess this weekend, I am cheering up already, hmmm what could possibly go wrong....


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