Monday, 26 May 2008

bank holiday blues

It's a strange UK truism that you only have to make a day a national holiday in the UK and the weather is immediately jinxed.

I am sat on our mountain here, management has escaped to IKEA causing waves of distress when I logged on to internet banking.....

The wind is howling, the rain has been battering the windows, I am contemplating lighting the fire to generate some warmth in this house.

A complete contrast to yesterday when the day was almost bearable and children played in the garden.

Today the cats have all been laying siege to the house. Diving through doors and running to hide under beds and in cupboard to avoid being thrown back out into the sort of weather you can only get in late May.

With our sole car away I have been sort of stuck, didn't really fancy a trip into town int the fire engine today. Parking might be an issue, not for me, just for all the other vehicles around me!!

Tomorrow I am off on wild manouveres: west wales to leicestershire then nottinghamshire and home.

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