Saturday, 22 September 2007


Now I am going to be deliberately controversial here.

It is not just the children who are pretty heroic.

I wonder if social work vilifies parents and their children
on the dual non sciences of attachment and attention.

The role of social work has moved from helping do their best to policing them when they cannot.

Almost without exception every parent I have come across, is heroically doing 100 percent for the kids they love desperately. It's just those 100 struggled percent are 80 percent of what they need to do.

And again they are not seen as 80 percent and struggling but 20% and failing.

That said, I have been in social care now since the mid 1980's and I have come across people who are genuinely evil.


Yes 5 perverse people whose intent was genuinely malicious.

Not a lot is it?

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