Monday 10 January 2011

An ill wind.....

They say you should always see the glass as half full and I suppose that's true for me too.

If it had not been for all the nonsense last week I would not have ended up in a foul mood and being in a foul mood I went off to the woodpile with the axe.I must have reduced a ton of firewood to matches before I calmed down.

The student reckoned I had been really annoyed. 

Still laddos social worker has spoken to him for the second time in 7 weeks (how about that for best practice) and I politely but firmly told the SW I was bringing him to Daycastle Friday and I would not be bringing him back here.

I think he got the message but clear communication can often go awry.

Yes  he is on the phone now, wants him to go next week when he "might" have somewhere for him to go.  

Going to have to resort to plan b, spot purchase some educational provision locally, cost them money and they will soon find him somewhere to go!!

How is leaving him down here, out of education, out of everything, good practice?

I am struggling a bit here.

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