Monday, 12 April 2010

stuff this I am "not available"......

Well, if I thought Saturday was tough it was just a warm up for yesterday.

The sledge hammer is damn near worn out, being positive, the job is nigh on finished, just an old hot water tank to remove, something I am approaching with a deal more caution after cutting out some defunct old wiring yesterday was rewarded by a shower of sparks and a blown up set of side cutters...

Something Taliesin thought very very amusing in the way that something dangerous and scary happening to someone else very often is.

Lots of old lath work got burnt and much good wood was salvaged. The house was like a dust chamber and by teatime every single piece of glass everywhere was open. The digger needs dragging in to push the ash and mess into the hole I dug but that is for another day.

Bed time arrived and I could hardly walk my muscles were declining to function. Something which elicited no sympathy at all from my lovely children.

Today is a bright springtime lucky day, Taliesin has an interview, meaning he has to be in college today.

This is like the slave driver breaking his whip, this morning I am staying in bed.

I planned to sleep late too but someone had not told the cat.....


1 comment:

gz said...

Sounds like progress on the scale of Leaps and Bounds!!
You'll be glad when it is done.....honest!!