Sunday, 4 July 2010

Danger UXB!!!!

It has been another of those quiet weeks I seem to have every so often. A jolly little drive to Hatfield for a conference, co presenting a paper no less. Really had to reconfigure brane so as to give the illusion of intelligence.  Think we fooled them...

Then back home to the unfolding crisis, UXB, that in second world war talk was unexploded bomb something that could liven up your whole day. Here it's the same only diferent.

The management has been elderflowering briskly these last few weeks and we have had to resort to isolating the bottles. Opening one produces a 4 foot jet and the fear is the bottles might let go under the pressure.

Still, on the positive side we have lots of new windows and doors fitted.

We have also come up with one of our occasional financial schemes that loks like we might be in a bit of a better financial position in a little while.

Could save us a fortune over the next few years.



Tina said...

I remember my eldest brothers one and only attempt at elderflower wine. The airing cupboard and it's contents never did recover.
Hope all are well in your castle!

gz said...

I'm sticking with Elderflower cordial (Tarne's recipe)
No explosions yet!