Monday, 6 April 2009

Weather lovely weather.....

I woke this morning to the patter of rain on the window.

No weather to be outside waving a pick axe at the soil and tearing off the top layers. Singind a happy tune I headed off for breakfast looking forwards to having an easy day.

So of course management singing a happy tune likewise confirmed the lack of digging and said instead we could go over to the stables and get some manure.

Hitching the big trailer to the Xantia off we went to the stables. Yes of course we could have manure said the cheery horsey person, help ourselves she told us, she hoped we had bought shovels because her husband who normally drives the digger was away.

So much for not digging.....

About an hour singing our favourite song:

"I'm digging in the rain just digging in the rain,

What a glorious felling I'm shoveling again.

How joyus our wit

To be shoveling mud

Just digging and digging in the raaaaaiiiiinnnn.."

We had a trailer pretty much full of very good well rotted manure. Which is where the fun really started.

Of course I am very used to towing that trailer loaded, a little jaunt to the woodland barely a mile away. This was several miles and on top of another mountain as well.

So coming home was down a mile at about 10% up a mile at 10% - so far so good.

Then down a few miles at 5 % down a kilometer at 25% with the trailer most definately urging us on......

What fun, I thought, but better was to come. Up the hill to the house, about 2 km of steady grinding first gear pull. Till approaching the top of the hill the tyres were definately scrabbling for grip. With visions of us screaching backwards out of control like the guys with the renault 5 and caravan on you tube, we finally made the brow.

This was about as much excitement as a man needs for a day.

If she wants any more of that stuff she can damn well get it herself.....


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