Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Day in the life....

So of course today I was off to uni, in our one working vehicle so this morning was a blur of kids to school then hurling myself to uni.

Naturally, I came screaming over the brow of a hill and there was the nice man waiting to take my photo. By shear luck this was on a T junction and this guy had just pulled out so I was able to put him between me an David Bailey while some serious braking went on.

By the time I pulled out for the overtake I was doing quite a lot less. I just hope he didn't catch me first time...

But i digress into uni and I did a lot of professional work.

But with me off earning good money and the car off the run, management was at home.

So when the phone rang at 11.30.....

Oh yes, it was a Wednesday when we are not here so our link worker phoned.

Unfortunately for her the management was home and even less fortunately she picked up the phone.

I will not bore you with the content but here's a little snippet. P's mum is moving next week and management will be in Daycastle anyway so she is popping over to help her move the fridge and the larger items into her flat. This it would seem is a problem, management should contact P's SW to seek permission, make sure she is happy with this, there might be issues.

This from the same people who were breathtakingly blase when my daughters went with D so he could meet his father, the sex offender.

I am not sure, but is there not maybe some sort of lack of logic here.

There is a plus to everything though, by the time the red mist had cleared she has not half planted some spuds...


1 comment:

Tina said...

I'm sorry did I get that right...T has to ask permission to help someone out???? Just because that someone happens to be the mother of a child you Foster???? Child has contact with mother anyway so not even an issue if Child was going too?
They are so overworked these SWs so they have to find themselves more to do!
ARGHHHHH Was thinking of you when our own toilet checkers came to call! I may blog it!