Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Social work today.

Now I cannot give details of anything that pertains to children who live with me. But I would like to give an example of how it is in children's social services today.

A carer I know became aware of something about a looked after child, not one in their care but one in someone elses. Turns out this was a very well trained carer and they picked up this was indication of a possible mental health problem. As I said this carer is well trained so they knew that their duty towards children is general not specific to children in their care.

This being Wales where carers status as mental health workers is recognised they immediately made a direct referral to the mental health services CAMHS.

CAMHS picked up the ball, and made enquiries, turns out the information had been known to the social worker for some time. The social worker being new and green had asked their manager. Neither had any specialist training in mental health I might add but the manager was holder of a budget which might have to meet some costs if the mental health professionals decided they might wish to take the matter further.

Based in no knowledge at all the manager decided no referral should be made, the information should not be shared with the CAMHS team.

Now in the run of things this was no serious matter, the worst that could have happened is the child suffered serious lifelong psychological damage.

This is not baby P, it's just another day another case you may not hear about, unless.....

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