Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Build me a bath- continues.

One of the things about our postcode is that it throws GPS.

This morning I had worried delivery drivers concerned that their GPS wanted them to drive up what looked like a dirt track.

At least they stopped before they got to the bog. I would have had to reverse the Green Goddess half a mile just to get to them.... Actually that would not have been too bad, I could have got lots of photos.

So anyway with the bath delivered off we sallied.

Urgent mission since Gwion is apparently King Herod in the Xmas play on Thursday and dress rehearsal is tomorrow. That was managements day planned, well no it wasn't, the cloth place I had hidden so well for all these years does not do Tuesdays.

On to the plumbing warehouse where of course they did not have 10- 15mm adaptors in my normal quick fit hep fitting only having compression joints. I will draw a veil over the rest of the day but suffice it to say that what should have taken about 20 minutes, a simple connect two taps, did not. If it could go wrong it did, if there was not way on the planet it could go wrong, it did also. It is sort of finished now though, we have cured most of the leaks.

It has only taken three hours. Still I was now ready to finish off, fit the doors and shelves. Yes the shelves could go in, I would just get the hinges......

Fortunately management was in charge of procurement.

She has had enough; she has locked herself in the bathroom I am sitting here in a kind of shocked disbelief.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Well hows this for one upmanship we ordered radiators and pipe and fittings today...bet we have more leaks than you by the end of the week! Chicken for dinner tomorrow Coq o Leeky soup the rest of the week????
Oh and we have two social workers coming tomorrow.....can you even begin to imagine what their comments might be on returning back to the office? We have 3 acro props holding the bathroom from the lounge with the bath on view to the front door! The house is rather untidy...we have builders here....wonder what their first impressions could be???
I suspect the actual difficutlies we are concerned about will be way down their list of priorities!