Saturday 21 July 2012


What a full on week, the wedding went off with smoothness that was quite disappointing.

Of course The morning arrived with a dearth of sleep and a surplus of merriment. The ideal preparation for a long night on shift.    

I am not sure why but I can't say where I was or what I was doing but Olympics, stadium not that far away and discredited private security firm might be a clue. 

Security work is sometimes interesting, sometimes just a matter of being paid to sit there and do nothing.
Personally I prefer nights of entertainment but last night I got a night of nothing.

A long night of tedium, actually looking back it passed quite quickly except that last 25 minutes which was about a week long.

In actuality, despite what is said about the discredited firm we delivered an Ok job, about another 10 people would have made the job better but - you can't have it all.

Out of work and on to a train and meet the student somewhere she had never been so I could pick up a piece of VW that will mean   I can go again tomorrow. Of course this was total confusion and we spent hours driving round finding the parts place

Then it was home and I slept the sleep of the knackered.

I was completely  finished.

Tomorrow, it's going to be 2 days on then omigod i need sleep.


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