Sunday 20 May 2012

Isabelle the Green Goddess

I don't tend to dwell much on vehicles on here, well not recently.

Setting the scene there is a big tractor rally in the valley next weekend. They have asked us if we can lay on a bit of spectacle based around the old Green Goddess fire engines from 1955 of which of course we have three and two theoretically mobilisable.

So we started off by checking Isabelle who is usually as reliable as a hammer, but for some reason is not keen to start.

Bethan and I went to work, it's not turning over so the favourite reason has to be the battery, being 6 years old it's prime suspect.

So off to the garage and pick up new battery, test it before we leave all looks good.

Drop it on the truck - nothing.

Replace starter switch - no go.

Clean all connections - nothing.

Run a new earth lead directly from battery to starter - nope.

Change starter motor - still not playing.

By now I have pretty much covered all bases.

Call in mate Greasy Steve who is an engineer but currently emptying our oil tank for money.

"Flat battery" said he.

"Not possible" said I "it's brand new"

So anyway to keep him quiet I agreed to let him connect his little Daihatsu 4x4 to the GG via jump leads.

Off whirred the starter.

The  new battery gives very impressive readings on the voltmeter just like it should.

Put any kind of load on there and everything changes.

The new battery is as stuffed as the old one.

2 days under and over and about the truck.

Am I laughing, well actually I will be as soon as the truck is running.



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