Sunday 6 May 2012


These have been a few interesting weeks between two election campaigns and a course in Daycastle it has been full on stuff.

The student, lets not forget her, had 10,000 words to write, all this and fostering too.

The course being a good way away was dealt with by me going to stay in what used to be my local 20 years ago. So it was learning all day and catching up with old acquaintances all night. That was just as strenuous as it sounds. Did I mention going out for a curry that left me with fairly serious intestinal issues, perhaps i will spare you the 

Then back on the campaign trail with Bethan who was standing in a solid Tory seat. She was going down a storm on the doorstep. Ended up getting 20 percent of the vote in a seat where she had spent 3 weeks working the door. Pretty good stuff from a low base 

This though has been a seriously long couple of weeks and i am emotionally and physically tired!

The student, God bless her got her stuff written and we set off into uni arriving half a hour too late to submit it. Only to discover hers was the eighth out of about thirty students submissions to arrive.  

Took her for a rather special lunch and left for home. We went for the motorway and in mid sentence she stopped talking, looked across and realised she was asleep.

She stayed that way most of the way home, then went straight to bed, did not pass go or collect 200 pounds.

We were due to take it easy so of course yesterday we went to a wedding then allowed a load of teenies to stay over.

All the student has left to do is two exams - easy peasy. Stagger one we shall....



1 comment:

gz said...

Good for Bethan. Twenty percent is not to be sniffed at.

I'm not surprised that you're all tired...packing all those activities into a small space of time...or rather overdoing it!!