Tuesday 18 October 2011

It's a funny old thing fostering. This morning I had a lovely warm bath and sat in the living room drinking coffee reading my notes for this here lecture on Anti Psychiatry.

One phone call changed everything. Big D's dad has had a stroke and is not expected to live. This completely rewrote the day and the student went to get him and drove the 120 miles to the hospital.
The SW wanted her to put D on the train.....

She has at least decided to call in the learning diss team for D's mum, we have only been asking for that for 5 years.

It's not looking good though, The old man has a huge bleed affecting the basal brain. His mum has a learning disability and it's all going over her head. She has been sitting there with her son, just crying.

I have been running round like a crazy thing getting everything else to happen I even managed to fit in the nursing lecture bit. It was all a bit hollow though, my mind was on events elsewhere.


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