Saturday 1 October 2011

Civil Servants

If the politinics are to be believed the private sector is innately better at everything.

Everything touched by the market is golden and everything down by the state a terrible mess.

Well I had that yesterday, I needed to phone families Tax credit about something and after a bit of a  pause and the odd "select option 97 for"ing i got to chat to a really pleasant and knowledgeable person who took me through the process and nearly made me faint by saying we were in face still eligible for families tax credit and thus free health care.

Next was phoning the electricity company who had agreed to provide us with a separate electricity account of the place next door a few weeks back but had said I had to wait two weeks before I could ask for the supply to be connected. They hadn't actually agreed to call me back but said I had to call them back. Getting through was a long protracted affair and the person on the end of the phone would not direct in any way. Appointments with them are located at some stage in a day not at a time convenient for you. You stay home all day waiting on them.

Glad it wasn't one of those terrible state monopolies then.....

And yesterday held a bit of a surprise, Mr Tick came down the drive, Branwen came home for the day. We had a lovely evening with her, I suspect very strongly though she came home to sleep. She has also been a bit shocked by some of the house mates who seem completely inept. Put another way she has a deal ,more life skills than most of them. Branwen can cook sounds like some of them cannot manage boil in the bag. 

Today in the uk is the summer most Indian. We've had the heating running in August and now we have the windows open in October.

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