Saturday 18 June 2011

Welcome to the party

Last year we had an "official" 18th for my eldest.

That was a party separated by months from her birthday but which was still classed as her birthday

This year we planned to do the same for the twins, well not really Mr Moneybags Taliesin is too tight for anything like a party so it's his socialite sisters party really.

We had an idyllic time last year a fantastic party in a field with a fire pit barbecue and tents.

A small PA added ambiance and, all in all it was great.

Party started at 4PM on Saturday last guests left at about 8 PM - Sunday.

This weather though is making it really hard to work out when to hold it.

We had looked at next weekend but thats looking really impractical a party in the park is great a party in the rain - less so.

Also there is fostering to think of, they claim to have a raft of teenies lined up for us, would a party then be the right thing?

Maybe not. Going to have one anyway but it could turn life all complex

Then we have a music festival and a steam fair penciled in too.

This could turn complicated.


1 comment:

gz said...

a music festival and a steam fair at home?!!!

A party at a festival or a fair sounds good....