Friday 29 April 2011

hooray hooray

So today some obscure member of a privileged family will marry a commoner and we will all, apparently, rejoice.

Last time we had a Tory government which was imposing destruction on the country and creating inequality we had the same carnival to divert the proletariat.

I wasn't into that one and I won't buy into this one.

Worst thing is though, with the builders building the Sky dish was disconnected, yesterday it went back on. The kids have bee quite happy with IPlayer and the web. Now the telly is back on and I just know we will have it the wedding inflicted on us from all channels  


1 comment:

gz said...

One of Em's friends posted this on facebook.
wishes a long and happy life together for any and all couples who may be getting married or entering into a civil partnership today. For one couple in particular, I sincerely wish them all the best, in the hope that they can give their future children some semblance of the loving, supportive family life denied to most other members of their dysfunctional, decaying clan. Good luck.

best comment I've seen so far