Wednesday, 8 December 2010


So yesterday was not too bad from the weather point of view. We now seem to be getting it a lot easier than elsewhere. Certainly last night when I went to Daycastle taking L for his OCN presentation night it was lots colder and icier there.

Lacking the Xantia, the little AX was again pressed into service and we benefited from the volcanic heater there and back.  This is not as good as it sounds as of course there is a nasty lurg doing the rounds and I seem to have caught it.

I got home feeling none to good and within minutes was shivering uncontrollably whilst at the same time running the kind on temperature not normally seen outside of nuclear reactor cores.

I did get some sleep last night but as the temperature built up my mind was whirring bizarre and unconnected random thoughts. This morning the duvet was damp my T shirt was wet and I was described by the loving student as "looking like sh%%".

She has done some shopping then went off towards uni saying she would be late home.

That has just left me with Lillith, one of the outside cats we have just brought in because she is so ill.

I have  managed to clean her up and she has eaten a bit of food, she seems impressed with a seat in front of the fire. But things do not look too good for her.

She probably has the same vile bug as me.


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