Wednesday, 24 June 2009

what was that.......

So that was yesterday.....

Today Tallie was working on the planet zarg, well a long way away anyway meaning I had to be out of bed at 30 minutes before silly o clock

It was treeday and off she drove.

Me, I got to go to bookers and auto electricians and take phone calls and faff about and get annoyingly little done in a whole day.

But again, positive is us, a looked after childs sw phoned and it was really positive and child focused.

It all beats the sickening grind of gardening.

Tomorrow has great things in store; a few weeks ago a sw came to call, this is not the sort of sw I talked about yesterday, this is the real deal dreadful...

The last times this person came here it got all, how shall I put it; complicated.

So in the interest of peace, I bet the management that she could not go through a whole meeting without challenging this person's practice. The forfeit; a lunch at one of the best local eateries.

Lunch tomorrow is something I anticipate....


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