Saturday 6 June 2009

Times change

Years pass in the blinking of an eye.

In a different age young men threw themselves at the machine guns of fascism and died in their thousands. Now surrounded by the piously self important the old return and remember.

Everyone should go to Normandy it's a very humbling experience.

This week Taliesin the young baby twin who just about covered my hand the day he was born, got himself a days trial with a local builder. His mother didn't know this involved doing the chimney on a local house about 50 foot up. I am not taking his mother to see where he works, I don't think she would cope.

Trial has turned to job and he came home yesterday in funds. Full circle, from baby to adult in about 5 minutes, so it seems.

Last night, the management and I went for a meal to sort of celebrate, actually the week has been long and full, next week promises more of the same. The table next occupied by a celebrity chef who went to school with me, coincidence or what.

Tomorrow, first motor show of the season. I should get out of bed really

1 comment:

gz said...

I think I've gone one better-
Osian is 20 today.....