Monday, 29 June 2009

A lovely day today.....

Today has been a good day.

Of sorts, me and management off on procurement duties.

No proper hard work but productive.

Back home and the management had herself another half kilo of gooseberries.

So childer home and off we went to the beach.

this was an outing for the local disabled club.

one of us had to collect taliesin from work before the beach

that meant two cars.

the xantia and 806.

cunningly I landed the xantia leaving her the 806.

Of course 806 has an unusual feature in that you can turn the drivers seat round to point backwards, if you know how....

How incidentally is page 75 of the drivers book.

I mention that because she seemed to find that turning the seat round could be called complex, and that leaving the car like that was not a charitable act.

I left her the book, all she had to do was read it.

And anyway we didn't abandon her; Branwen and I watched it all unfold from behind the phone box up the road.

How she didn't hear Branwens demonic cackling I don't know, I would have rushed back to help but I needed the phone box for support and tears make it so hard to drive.....

Dunno why but relations have been quite cool tonight - cool is good in this weather....


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