Sunday 16 June 2013

The voice of eggspierience

Last year the student made one of her many executive  decisions: life at Penole would be better and more fulfilled if we had our own chickens. Mine is not to question why so in due course a large shed arrived followed closely by all sorts of paraphernalia and finally 4 chickens were installed in the run.

We have been at times inundated with eggs quiches have been made on an industrial scale.  Then of course winter, winter is the time when feed is short and Mr Foxy Woxy at his hungriest. First one then another chicken "disappeared". Still at least we have two left and two are a lot easier to keep up with than one.

That of course implies they are co operative chickens who lay in the coop and not belligerent buggers who have a safe laying spot somewhere else.

They are still demanding food and bullying the cats away from cat food. But  eggs have been off the menu  for weeks, today, herself was seen in the Co-op buying er eggs actually.....

Going to be a bit of a war this one, I cannot see her winning it either..


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