Sunday 31 July 2011

Riot riot riot

This is a really complex young man. After a few days of variable behaviour today we went for full blown riot.

His mobile phone has been used to intimidate and abuse, he has threatened with a knife, Billiard balls and fruit has been flying. The door of my bedroom has been redecorated with shaving foam and mashed banana and lots of writing on the wall, an attempt has also been  made to smash the door.

The ceiling in his bedroom is slowly being removed.

And why you may ask, well if you have any answers please let me know.

Personally I have seen nothing to trigger this.  

This is life in the fostering fast lane!

Would be nice if they paid Jag level fees to cope with the speed, but of course they are still paying for a Morris Minor and expecting it to out run the Jag....

Sitting here in the fostering fast lane I think the hard shoulder looks really inviting...



gz said...

I hope YOU have backup plans ready..doesn't sound safe to have around atall!

Tina said...

Rhys, I know you aren't big on prayers but they are being said for you all anyway!
I am in awe of your ability to continue with this youg man, but know that if anyone can reach him it's you and T.
Sending love

You mean there's more??? said...

Give prayer a go Tina,

We've tried everything else.....


Anonymous said...

if not an external trigger what about an internal trigger like a form of epilepsy or other neurological disorder.