Saturday 26 March 2011

Half a million voices.

It was interesting to watch today the debate on our television channel. I say ours because it is exactly that, it's not funded by Rupert Murdoch or advertising it's the BBC that we all fund. For now....

There was an interesting debate, where an economist was trundled in to say these here cuts are everything we need to sort out the country.

He was a bit flumoxed by the chap who speculated that, if we were short of money, could we affoard to cut corporation tax?

There's a funny thing, if we are broke how come we have enough  to let companies keep a bigger part of their profits.

There is also the Robin Hood tax, that would help a lot and of course getting Vodaphone and Osbourne to pay the tax they should not what they would like to. 

Unless of course this government and it's big society is about looking  after big buisiness. 

The economist also trolled out the old one about Labour spending more than they could affoard even when you take into account the banks betting themselves bankrupt.

Now of course the government borrowed shed loads of money, they had no option, the banks were in free fall and that brought the whole deck of cards down. They either borrowed the money short term and hoped that the mess the bankers had made was repairable.

Now we are being asked to accept lots less and the corporations will pay even less than they do now.

It would be OK (well yes maybe not) if these people who blame Labour for this mess had been saying the bankers needed more regulation rathher than accusing the government of being too tight on the market.


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