Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Rain stopped play.

 A good start to the day with lots of wood in the shed possibly even a month and a halfs supply cut now which is OK, need lots more doing and having her nibs in uni will limit our chopping time severely.

The scrap man turned up also and we had a huge tidy up of scrap metal, and he parted with money too, which is allways good.

Bye bye to my beloved old Land Rover, Lilly, a 1960 vintage series II ex army land rover . We were quite famous for a while as I wrote for the off road comics in the 80's and 90's when Land Rovers were not viewed as the devils devices and despoliers of the rights of way.

But today hope finally died and Lilly was taken away, she broke in half as she was loaded onto the trailer, poor old thing.

Land Rovers are not really like other cars, you develop a  relationship with a Land Rover that is individual. Lilly was the chariot that took me and the management off on our earliest adventures together.

I do however still have Lillys engine and well I do have a vehicle that it can go into.

Maybe I have a project to get on with.




gz said...

sad to see Lily go- watch that Mr T doesn't get his mitts on that engine before you know it!!

Tina said...

GoodnessI feel I should send flowers for your bereavment I remember almost with tears in my eyes the day our Landrover and we said godbye to each other, a Series ll but not ex army, It was a sad sad parting!