Monday, 6 September 2010

oh my gout....

While I am writing as it were. I might throw in a few bob about the wonderful condition called gout.

First it's really horrid, even toothache is nicer..

Then off you go to the doc and s/he will give you a diet sheet that includes everything you like.

Trouble is that will be the don't eat list.

Everything you like you can't touch.

My limited experiences suggest that you really rack up your vitamin C consumption and drink water like it's going out of fashion.

8 pints a day is a good start.

Start the medication the moment you feel a twinge - don't fight it

Don't fight it is a big part - stop what you are doing, rest and stay warm.

I was a lifeguard and there is a big part of that training: no pain no gain that is a real obstacle.

Ride it out till it goes away, consider a warmer climate - gosh maybe we should move to Brittany.

She would hate that - not much mind

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