Sunday, 8 November 2009

wood you believe it

With a few weeks leisure putting in the new fire over, the small matter of finding something to feed it raised it's head, again.

We tend to categorize our cuts by the number of times I refill the chainsaw. About 45 minutes of running is enough to take it from full to empty. The makita Tears it's way through about about 6 wheel barrow loads of wood doing that.

Put another was that's about 5 days fuel for the big fire, depending on how madly we want it to be burning.

Normally we try and do 2 cuts a day which by the time it is all carted away is enough for anyone.

With most of the kids home we had a bit of a go today; 4 cuts done carted away and stacked. That's quite a lot of wood, almost filled the bedroom in the cottage.

Plus one we did yesterday but yesterdays is a diferent batch of wood, lots more hardwood in it.

"All" we need to do now is to split the wood ready to burn.

Just now I think my everywhere aches. Management says we can stop now, but we go again in the morning.

Tallie spent all day in work and now he is out the back digging a hole in the dying daylight.

I cannot for the life of me work out how he does it.

My living room is like a laundry, the wind so high nothing can go on the line so we are drying everything round the log stove.

Of course the interesting thing about the log stove is that the heat dries the clothes but the air movement from the fire drawing lots of air makes sure the room does not feel damp. In fact the stove really has made a huge difference to the house, not just by adding heat but by moving huge amounts of air.


1 comment:

gz said...

so by having a stove going well and moving air, the house is working as they were all supposed to, and it is far healthier!!

You can relax by a stove too-doesn't work with a radiator!