Thursday 20 November 2008

On the tiles.....

To change the tempo and indeed the subject...

Today management decided she was having a girly fun day. This was her chance to tile the bathroom. Naturally she mixed a bumper bucket of quick setting tile adhesive and set to work.

I suppose it might have helped if she had checked to see if her new tile cutter was big enough to take the tiles she was using before she started. The new tile cutter had to be sourced as her best one, (was it a birthday present, or maybe Xmas, anniversary perhaps..) is currently in the basement of out house in Brittany.

In hindsight maybe unscrewing the door would have been a good idea too, not to mention removing the sink.

This was not the only little event.

During our lovely weekend away we had bought a few useful shopping items but not of course coffee, having been assured that our stocks were sufficient I gave it not a thought.

I am a mere man not for me to question.

Of course turns out I had made a serious mistake when I didn't count the coffee, we are running out. And because I had not checked she told me we had plenty when in fact we were down to our last packet.

This is serious, without my daily supply of French Carte noir I might be unable to function. Whats more we will not be able to resupply till after Xmas - this is an emergency.

Meanwhile, I got on with man things, this afternoon a fellow Green Goddess enthusiast came done the drive and soon we were locked in commercial enterprise and he had acquired a big stache of parts and parted with lots of money.

Funny how women can suddenly get interested in man things, especially when I have a couple of hundred pounds on the hip. Apparently I want to go to IKEA soon.....

And I have the pleasure indeed honour of checking the new part tiled bathroom, a fantastic job it is too. That's another of my functions in life; to note her excellence and ability in all things and in all areas, either that or lie.


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