Thursday, 11 July 2013

I survived an attempt on my life!!!

It has been a fraught few days, the daughter driving lessons have been a bit of a trip to terror.

Yesterday, we had a lovely night out, took the canoes that have been too idle too long, to the beach and with new fosling and big D had an hour of paddling out.

This in turn was a head changer and we decided to go for it this morning and be a bit selfish, no kids about, just me and the student take the canoes out.

So off we went to a nice little cove, which features a pub. My original suggestion, (also features a pub) having been turned down. Soo anyway out to sea we went, and she said why didn't we head for this other cove (no pub) as "it's just round the headland".  To be fair I have seen an map or two in my life and I knew it was round a few headlands. Breaking all the rules I would have set as a responsible lifeguard type off we set. Now, my local knowledge is - not a lot so it was quite exciting pioneering stuff.

Actually, I was loving this as it was all the old skills I had learnt over the years, read the sea, read the waves, oh yes even though it was close to millpond there was an Atlantic swell arriving. Did I need to lay seaward of that rock or could I cut inside it?

Of course not having done the research I didn't know that we were fighting the tidal run, nasty thing about that, if you are making 3 knots and the tide is 2 knots you are not moving a lot. Rest for 10 minutes and you have lost 20 minutes progress.

It was dig in time with swell, look at currents choosing the best line.

So out we went, I was looking for nice little coves where we could land and chill for a bit and there were precisely - none.

So on we went, digging in  my love of all this excitement was falling quickly

We got further and further on and of course, turning back ceased to be an option.

I was moving towards worried.

There was nowhere to go to shore, just rocks.

It was just keep going time, every point we came round, just revealed the next.

Maybe it was still my inner lifeguard but I could not see our "outs" if it went wrong.

But we eventually rounded the last point and it was full on for the beach.

Now, we could have simply  turned round and gone back.

It was she who was trying to kill me's change point.

She decided 

We walked the km or so of footpath to the van, drove back and collected the canoes and we went home got changed.

By this stage I was a bit errrh relaxed in the cream of crackered sense. 

Then, it was town and lunch then.

Oh dear proper terror

Lunch was great, then daughter finished work and she had to practise driving home

She is getting there, as in she is getting more confident, so that means the near misses happen at higher speed.

I don't scream any more. mainly because I can only squeak.




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