Friday, 8 February 2008

Selling a house.....

Selling a house is an introduction to a whole new world of fantasy, deception both of self and others.

Take our "buyers" god bless them.

These guys were presented to us as being deadly serious and yes I think in their little heads they are.

"Cash buyers", always a good sign, in a "jesusIhopewecanfindsomewheretogo" sort of way.

Well, "not completed on their other houses yet" is nearly cash buyers a bit like "does the lottery every week", could mean you are about to win 16 mil...

Then it turns out the reason they had the architect here was to see if their plans to demolish half the house and build a palace could be sneaked past the good chaps in the council plannning department. A body that unlike certain banks in the past is rather well known for saying no and getting awfully pissy about what people intend to do on their own land.

Then of course the "money" word has reared it's ugly head.

There being some question of whether what they have in the piggy bank will fully fund the palatial plans they have in mind, 250K was being kicked about as a rebuilding cost at one stage.

Is it just me and 'er that try and undertake projects within our budgets and not a fantasy wish list?

So anyways it looks like our heady wave of optimism might be about to break on the rocky financial shore of reality....

We shall see.

I cannot plan our summer manouveres until I know if we are going to be moving house.

Complicating things further, until the council decides if it wants to move P on we cannot book our summer trip to Brittany anyway.

And, the lady does not do waiting.....


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