Sunday 8 April 2012

Time team.....

For those of a non UK base there is a very popular programme called time team which is about archaeology at interesting locations.

 Penole is of course no new build people box, we can place people living here in 1750, with the nature of the holding making it quite possible the site might be several hundred years older than that.

Today we decided to do a bit of tidying up which turned into a bit of amateur archaeology. It was great to strip away some layers and find alongside some 60's to 80's concrete the remains of an original cobbled surface we think went in about 90 years ago. This was absolutely great stuff but like most great stuff there was a price to pay.

Oh yes, on the up side lots of Green Goddess kit got unpacked. Unfortunately it wasn't fun stuff like branches and hose, it was shovels, picks and spades. Many hours of work, including some not at all fun wheelbarrow pushing we had achieved our goal - or rather got to the point where the student (aka slave driver) had had enough.

 The fire in the living room got lit and the hot water tank heated to a temperature just short of "steam". This was good enough for the student who vanished into the bath for an aeon. She left the water for me when it was towards the goodness me end of hot, and, i must confess it was a bit nice in helping undo my muscles which had tied themselves in bowlines.

I suspect though that tomorrow morning might be a world of pain. A world of pain in which I need to do a lot of driving,



1 comment:

gz said...

Hope you managed to photograph the archaeology-that would be good to see