Friday 9 December 2011

Nice to have friends

It's nice to have loyal friends and the city has few more loyal than the bullingdon boy Camerron.

Trouble was he was a bit stuffed really - the right of his party happy for us to adopt isolationism and really he has achieved that. The city had to be protected against regulation to stop them staging a re reun of 2007.

But of course they are his paymasters so what was best for everyone except them had to be done.

Now Europe will impose a banking tax that we cannot veto and create a strong stable Euro and we will be a little island off the coast of a strong economy.

A "special relationship" won't survive that and the yanks will soon be on their way to Paris and Berlin.

Cameron has made us an irrelevance - then agian we  ceased being a big player a while back. Thatcher killed maufacturing in this country and Camoerron has killed banking whilst claiming to protect it.

Poor lad he's not bright mind.


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