Friday, 22 August 2008

Viewing some more.....

Today has been back to normal service.

Started the day with rotten petrol and nothing starting.

Of course this is the very thing for a green goddess.

All that rancid gone off old petrol and two stroke is eagerly accepted by the truck that finds modern fuel altogether a bit warm.

Then I broke her beloved strimmer. Yeah I snapped the Stihl which now needs engineering level repair. Into service went the one it replaced which, thank goodness sparked up immediately.

Then on to the lawn mower, this is the brother to our 5 year old one in Brittany that just runs and runs. This one though needs the carb draining down every so often as it tends to collect water. So of course a seal decided to move and lots of messing was needed. Swearing at it was a great help

Then on to moving the new (older than the IVECO) minibus which resolutly refused to start due to a really crap ford feature, their silly flat battery terminals that are impossible to get a good connection on.

These were rubbish on the Ford Anglia, so of course they have lived on with tradition...

Now, as well as this the proper trucks need a move.

Isabelle has not a drop of fuel so thats tomorrows first job.

Gloria has a problem oil seal on the filter, there's job number two.

Taff is minus a battery so there's job three, where did I put that and best give it a bit of charge. Thinking about it, that might be the first job really, while that is charging I can do the others.

Maybe I don't mind all this selling stuff. I get to drive green goddesses. Better than that, Bethan can drive Gloria.

She will love that.

It has been a very quiet few days.

Taliesin is in Spain.

P is with his mum and Little D with his nan.

It's been great.

Change starts tomorrow, D comes home.

I wish me and management were waking up in Guemene tomorrow, on our own.

That would be really good.

I suspect that when we do we will miss our lovely children.



T.D said...

Please note it's my strimmer thet he has broken.
This means that I'm the one who strims!
Thanks for mending the lawn mower....I;m the one that mows too!
I also Mooo!

You mean there's more??? said...

Ones does nothing but ones best and all I get is grief......