Sunday, 9 December 2007

On the first day of......

Funny you know,

Management and I were sitting there today discussing serious issues like whose turn it was to go and put the kettle on

Anyway with such important matters resolved it was on with the telly and the Sunday morning politics and everything else.

Today the themes were Xmas and the myriad problems it generates.

Funny though, there was the long tome about all the problems of drinking, how festive excess is terribly bad

Next came eating and how festive excess is terribly bad.

But actually lets think out of the box here.

We are told that we don't love our children if they do not have the latest PS wii Xbox, if we don't have the very latest toys already bought for them then we are failures as parents.

If we don't have the latest whatever the latest is, then we don't love our partners enough and we are failures.

In fact if we don't have thousands on the hip to blow and spend the rest of the year struggling to pay off we are a failure.

Isn't it time maybe we looked at the real problem of Xmas.....

An excessive festival of greed and consumption.


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