Wednesday 2 January 2013

Technical litteracy

Now, unlike herself the student , I am a technical incompetent. I really like using computers but the further you go from the turn it on button the less likely i am to know what to do.

So anyway to deal with a spate of all night computerism, doing stuff online that was munching our download allocation and at the same time meaning people were staying in bed all day, I put in a filter that closes the wifi at midnight and re opens it  in the morning.

For me, that was seriously high tech stuff. 

Now really I have only myself to blame, for trying to over step the mark.

The first thing we noticed was; it didn't work. They were still on the net half the night, that was dealt with by pulling the power lead when we went to bed. The distant groans assured   me that worked.

But it took me a while to get my head round why, every day, 1 PM the wireless internet switched itself off.

Getting it work work again required LAN connection and a deal of messing about.

Today, one of my beloved daughters made some off hand quip that made me think, so anyway I opened the routers operating settings  which was the point that i noted that it's internal clock was set to somewhere in the Southern hemisphere where, as good as gold on the stroke of midnight it was turning the  WiFi off. 

I thought it best not to tell anyone this so I have just corrected things and said nothing.

The afternoon - mad stuff, off to get Bethan from work, she who had sensibly decided to meet us in the pub, we could not leave because Taliesin was out there with the digger, pulling the  front axle off his discovery, something with health and safety were very fortunate not to witness.

Now Branwen has gone baby sitting, Bethan and Taliesin to work and I am sitting here with herself alternating between university essay work and political rants. 

Hey ho - peace on earth.


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