Saturday 7 April 2012

On the road again.

On the road again, facilitating contact for the looked after crew that the agency will not fund, again.

A long driving day with the student able to visit her 100 year old mum who seems as bright as a button as usual.

The C5 is returning an astonishing 49 miles to a gallon.

A brisk run back where much hilarity followed my:

"I'll show you the fastest line on the roundabout"

was followed by her:

"Oh look a Police car."

Which produced quite a lot of braking and not much best lining.

Her essay is sort of taking shape, it's about dementia, at least I think it is, I forget. 

I am going to really have to up the game and get things sorted for the political campaign to come. 

Tomorrow is leaflet design day.

Another day another crisis....


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